With no regrets, three friends committed to break away for an extended weekend to Scandinavia, the homeland of the newest member of the crew, after an evening of imbibing and conversing, of course. In addition to enjoying late winter sun away from day-to-day responsibilities for a period of time, each has his own motivations for the interlude, and who can’t use a battery recharge once every so often? Moreover, one spouse is pleased to have an empty house for the space to strategize a rogue trader rebuttal without distraction. The plans go astray though, as one delay turns into another and their intended destination proves elusive. The uncommon characters at Luton Airport, of all places, are entertaining canvass, but the day suddenly becomes a shell game of personal vulnerability, and the pea is not hidden where it’s perceived to be.
Gate Crashers at Dawn is for anyone who has suffered an interminable delay at an airport and has lived to tell the tale.
Об авторе
Richard Segal, an American citizen, resides in London, England, and works in the asset management industry. He has written widely about matters relating to the global economies and public policy over the years. His most recent novel was Conference Confidential.