Various physico-chemical approaches for the removal of toxic pollutants are available, but these are not very effective. Biological approaches using microorganisms, green plants or their enzymes to degrade/detoxify contaminants are eco-friendly and low cost. This book provides a comprehensive overview of contaminants, their toxicity, and eco-friendly approaches for their management by cost effective sustainable methods.
Об авторе
Dr. Riti Thapar Kapoor
Dr. Riti Thapar Kapoor is Assistant Professor in Amity Institute of Biotechnology, Amity University Uttar Pradesh, Noida, India. Dr. Kapoor received her Ph.D from University of Allahabad and worked as post — doctoral fellow at Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India. Dr. Kapoor has fourteen years of teaching and research experience and her area of specialization is environmental biotechnology, bioremediation, wastewater treatment and abiotic stresses. Dr. Kapoor has published 7 books and over 90 research papers in various journals of national and international repute. Dr. Kapoor has visited 8 countries for participation in different academic programmes. Dr. Kapoor has received prestigious travel award from Bill & Melinda Gates Research Foundation under CGIAR project for participation in International training programme held at International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), Manila, Philippines in 2010. She is also recipient of DST travel grant for participation in International Conference held at Sri Lanka in 2013. Dr. Kapoor has been awarded with Teacher’s Research Fellowship from Indian Academy of Sciences, Bengaluru in 2019. She has supervised and mentored a number of research projects funded by different governmental funding agencies such as DAE, DST and UPCST etc. She has successfully supervised 2 research students for Ph.D. degree besides several (more than 70) masters and graduate students for their dissertation thesis.
Dr. Mohd Rafatullah
Dr. Mohd Rafatullah is presently working as an Associate Professor of Environmental Technology in the School of Industrial Technology, Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), Malaysia. He joined this School in the year 2008 as a Post Doctoral Fellow. He has completed his education; Ph. D. in Environmental Chemistry, Master of Science in Analytical Chemistry and Bachelor of Science in Chemistry from Aligarh Muslim University (AMU), India. His research interest is in the areas of environmental water pollutants and their safe removal; preparation of various nanomaterials to protect the environment; water and wastewater treatment; adsorption and ion exchange; microbial fuel cells; advance oxidation process; activated carbons and their electrochemical properties. His contribution was recognized by Guest Editors and Member of Editorial Board of various scientific journals. Listed in Word’s top 2% Scientist by Stanford University, listed in Top 1% peer reviewer, in Chemistry, Environmental Science and cross-field on Publons global reviewer, Web of Science. Life time Fellow member of International Society of Sustainable Developments and member of various professional international societies. He has published several reviews articles and regular research papers in the journals of international repute and presented my research work in various national and international conferences. He has also attended many workshops and seminars of environmental chemistry. Based on his performance and contribution in research (total citations: > 7500 and h index: 36 @ Scopus).