Professor Xuemin Shen works in the Department of Electrical
and Computer Engineering at the University of Waterloo, Canada. His
research interests are Wireless/Internet interworking, Resource and
mobility management, Voice over mobile IP, Wi Fi, WAP, Bluetooth,
UWB wireless applications, ad hoc wireless networks.
Dr. Mohsen Guizani is Professor and Chair of the
Department of Computer Science at Western Michigan university. Dr.
Guizani»s research interests include Computer Networks, Wireless
Communications and Computing, Design and Analysis of Computer
Systems, and Optical Networking. He is the founder and
Editor-In-Chief of Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing
Journal, published by John Wiley.
Professor Robert Caiming works in the Center for
Manufacturing Research/Electrical and Computer Engineering
Department at Tennessee Technological University, USA. His research
interests include Wireless communications and systems (3G, 4G,
UWB), Radar/communications signal processing and Time-domain
Professor Tho Le-Ngoc works in the Department of
Electrical and Computer Engineering at Mc Gill University. His
research interests include Broadband Communications: Advanced
Transmission, Multiple-Access and Dynamic Capacity Allocation
3 Электронные книги Robert Caiming Qiu
Xuemin Shen & Mohsen Guizani: Ultra-Wideband Wireless Communications and Networks
Learn about Ultra-wideband (UWB) transmission — the most talked about application in wireless communications. UWB wireless communication is a revolutionary technology for transmitting large amounts o …
Robert Caiming Qiu & Zhen Hu: Cognitive Radio Communication and Networking
The author presents a unified treatment of this highly interdisciplinary topic to help define the notion of cognitive radio. The book begins with addressing issues such as the fundamental system conc …
Robert Caiming Qiu & Zhen Hu: Cognitive Radio Communication and Networking
The author presents a unified treatment of this highly interdisciplinary topic to help define the notion of cognitive radio. The book begins with addressing issues such as the fundamental system conc …