автор: Robert L. Clark

Although Clark was born in New Hampshire, he spent his early teen years in the New York City area. There he became acquainted with the Theodore Roosevelt Museum of Natural History and at the associated Hayden Planetarium, operated, at that time, by Newton and Margaret Mayhall. Their book Skyshooting provided his first introduction to the idea that someone with only moderate skills can build good scientific instruments. The three volumes of Amateur Telescope Making, edited by Albert G. Ingalls, completed the process of addiction. Clark received a B.S. degree in Mathematics from Stanford University. He then served in the U.S. Air Force at Strategic Air Command headquarters in Nebraska. After his discharge he did graduate work in Mathematics and Computer Science at the University of Maryland. After a few years spent in the Military Operations Research industry, he migrated to a university teaching position that lasted 33 years at the University of the District of Columbia. Throughout all this time he continued to be enamored by the process of building telescopes and actually built a few as time permitted. Since retirement he has allowed the addiction to occupy a large part of his enthusiasm, as is made evident by Figure 2.3. Clark now resides in Westminster, Maryland, where he has built a hilltop observatory and is active with the Westminster Astronomical Society.

6 Электронные книги Robert L. Clark

Robert L. Clark: Amateur Telescope Making in the Internet Age
Building an astronomical telescope offers the amateur astronomer an exciting challenge, with the possibility of ending up with a far bigger and better telescope than could have been afforded otherwis …
Robert L. Clark & P. Brett Hammond: To Retire or Not?
Colleges and universities across the country face huge challenges as their faculties age, their budgets stagnate, and mandatory retirement becomes a thing of the past. In To Retire or Not? the nation …
Robert L. Clark & Olivia S. Mitchell: Reinventing the Retirement Paradigm
This book explores how rising pension and healthcare costs, along with workforce aging, are affecting pension and retirement planning around the world. Many middle-aged workers now realize that they …
Robert L. Clark: Cost-Effective Pension Planning
Cost-Effective Pension Planning …
Robert L. Clark & YoungWook Lee: Fiscal Accountability and Population Aging
Focusing on the developing economic challenges confronting Korea and the US in response to the aging of their populations, this timely book examines how public policies are evolving in light of demog …
Robert L. Clark & Andrew Mason: Population Aging, Intergenerational Transfers and the Macroeconomy
Population aging is a global phenomenon that influences not only the industrialized countries of Asia and the West, but also many middle- and low- income countries that have experienced rapid fertili …