Bob, with sections by his daughter, Hannah, will walk you through sixteen years of raising children who got addicted to drugs, spent time in jail, and ultimately, one of his children committed suicide on June 18, 2014.
This is a story of restoration, redemption, faith, and hope in the midst of chaos and disaster, but with guidance along the way, for the reader to learn from Bob’s experiences.The aim of this book is to help others who are struggling with the abuse and/or the addictions of a loved one. Each chapter ends with lessons learned from Bob’s or Hannah’s experiences.
If you are dealing with a loved one and struggling to understand what is going on and what you can do to work through the situation or perhaps, you just plan to have children some day, read this book and give it all up to prayer as you seek His guidance in your situation.
Об авторе
Robert L. (Bob) Mitchell is a vice president of quality assurance and regulatory affairs for a major medical device company in Orange County, California. Along with his wife of thirty-two years, he raised three children in a solid Christian home, each of whom experimented with and were addicted to drugs for a time. Bob now has two children and four grandchildren.
Bob and his wife Angie were always involved in church and both of their boys achieved the rank of Eagle Scout. This story is evidence of how drugs and addiction know no boundaries. It could be your story. Bob prays that it is not.