This book tackles one of the scourges of our digital society, typically termed ‘fake news’, where false information is disseminated widely, often to promote extreme ideology or particular political views. Dr Smith picks apart the legal mechanisms used in the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) that addresses fake news. Following discussions of the nature of fake news, the author provides a framework to assess the effectiveness of fake news in light of the legislation and its use in Indonesia, Thailand and the Philippines, and proposes a model law for ASEAN to provide a balance in maintaining values of free speech whilst addressing the promulgation of untruths. This work provides useful insights into the nature of fake news and how nations can start to address an issue that will grow in impact in the coming years, whether in major Western jurisdictions or small regional groups. The observations and analysis in this book, and the understanding of the impact on society of misinformation, will give all readers pause for thought, and insight into a serious issue for today.
Professor Mark Perry, School of Law, University of New England, Armidale