Robert W. Jackson is an urban planner and historian, and previously served as a historian for the Historic American Engineering Record, National Park Service, where he documented historic bridges and highways in Texas, Iowa and Pennsylvania. He holds a Ph D in American Civilization from University of Texas, and is the author of Rails across the Mississippi: A History of the St. Louis Bridge. He currently lives in Austin, Texas.
3 Электронные книги Robert W. Jackson
Robert W. Jackson: Highway under the Hudson
Choice’s Outstanding Academic Title list for 2013 ‘There is no comparable book on this tunnel. Highly recommended.’—Choice Reviews Every year, more than thirty-three million vehicles traverse the Hol …
Hans-Rudolf Henche & Jorg Holder: Arthroscopy of the Knee Joint
Rapid developments in this successful diagnostic and operative technique have called for a new edition of Arthroscopy of the Knee Joint. This second edition has been completely revised and retains ve …
Robert W. Jackson: Highway under the Hudson
Choice’s Outstanding Academic Title list for 2013 ‘There is no comparable book on this tunnel. Highly recommended.’—Choice Reviews Every year, more than thirty-three million vehicles traverse the Hol …