Fit-for-purpose is a phrase familiar to all users of analytical data, who need to be assured that data provided by laboratories is both appropriate and of the required quality. Quality in the Food Analysis Laboratory surveys the procedures that a food analysis laboratory must consider to meet such requirements. The need to introduce quality assurance, the different quality models that are available and the legislative requirements are considered. Specific aspects of laboratory practice and particular areas of accreditation which may cause problems for analytical laboratories are also discussed. Covering for the first time those areas of direct importance to food analysis laboratories, this unique book will serve as an aid to those laboratories when introducing new measures and justifying those chosen.
Introduction and General Considerations of Quality in the Food Analysis Laboratory; A Comparison of the Different Quality Models Available; Methods of Analysis — Their Selection, Acceptability and Validation; Use of Recovery Corrections When Reporting Chemical Results; Measurement Uncertainty/Measurement Reliability; Role of Internal Quality Control in Laboratory Quality Assurance Procedures; Role of Proficiency Testing in the Assessment of Laboratory Quality; Respecting a Limit Value; Experiences in the Implementation of Quality Assurance and Accreditation into the Food Analysis Laboratory; Vocabulary, Terminology and Definitions.