Between 2016 and 2020 the federally funded project ‘KONDE — Kompetenznetzwerk Digitale Edition’ created a network of collaboration between Austrian institutions and researchers working on digital scholarly editions. With the present volume the editors provide a space where researchers and editors from Austrian institutions could theorize on their work and present their editing projects. The collection creates a snapshot of the interests and main research areas regarding digital scholarly editing in Austria at the time of the project.
Об авторе
Helmut W. Klug is a medievalist and strongly interested in Digital Scholarly Editions as means for making availabe historical sources. He was project assistant in the federally funded infrastructure project Kompetenznetzwerk Digitale Edition (KONDE). He researches culinary history with a focus on the Middle Ages and Early New Times and heads the Austrian team of a French-Austrian cooperation project that aims at providing and analysing German, French and Latin cooking recipe collections (Co Re MA).