Tal Ilan ist Professorin für Judaistik an der Freien Universität Berlin.
Lorena Miralles-Maciá ist assoziierte Professorin am Department für Semitische Studien (Hebräische und Aramäische Studien) der Universität von Granada.
Ronit Nikolsky ist Assistant Professor für Culture and Cognition an der Universität Groningen.
Constanza Cordoni ist Post-Doc Research Fellow am Institut für Alttestamentliche Bibelwissenschaft der Universität Graz.
4 Электронные книги Ronit Nikolsky
Tal Ilan & Lorena Miralles Maciá: Rabbinische Literatur
Rabbinical literature forms the second canon of Judaism: Mishnah and Talmud, which were written in Palestine and Mesopotamia between 200 and 800 CE. The basis of these texts is the Hebrew Bible. Rabb …
Tal Ilan & Lorena Miralles Maciá: Literatura rabínica
La literatura rabínica, conocida también como la literatura de los Sabios o del judaísmo clásico, comprende la Misná-Tosefta y el Talmud, que forman el segundo canon del judaísmo y que fueron escrito …
Tappenden Frederick S. Tappenden & Czachesz Istv n Czachesz: Language, Cognition, and Biblical Exegesis
What role do texts play in religious practice? What is the relationship between these texts and cognition? Are some texts more successful because they are better adapted to our cognitive structures? …
Tappenden Frederick S. Tappenden & Czachesz Istv n Czachesz: Language, Cognition, and Biblical Exegesis
What role do texts play in religious practice? What is the relationship between these texts and cognition? Are some texts more successful because they are better adapted to our cognitive structures? …