DR. ROSAURA SÁNCHEZ of the University of California-San Diego is an internationally recognized authority on María Amparo Ruiz de Burton. She researched and edited the two recently re-issued novels of Ruiz de Burton: The Squatter and the Don (Arte Público Press, 1994) and Who Would Have Thought it? (Arte Público Press, 1995).
3 Электронные книги Rosaura Sánchez
Maria Amparo Ruiz de Burton: Conflicts of Interest
Maria Amparo Ruiz de Burton, the recently discovered nineteenth-century novelist, broke many of the boundaries that circumscribed the life of both women and Hispanics in the southwestern territories …
Maria Amparo Ruiz de Burton: Squatter and the Don
Originally published in San Francisco in 1885, The Squatter and the Don is the first fictional narrative written and published in English from the perspective of the conquered Mexican population. Des …
Beatrice Pita & Rosaura Sanchez: Spatial and Discursive Violence in the US Southwest
In Spatial and Discursive Violence in the US Southwest Rosaura Sanchez and Beatrice Pita examine literary representations of settler colonial land enclosure and dispossession in the history of New Me …