автор: Roza Leikin

Roza Leikin is a Professor of Mathematics Education and Education of Gifted at the Faculty of Education, University of Haifa. Her research and practice is focuses on mathematically challenging instructional design, associated mathematical tasks and teachers’ professional potential. She is interested in integration of neuro-cognitive research to the field of mathematics education. Dr. Leikin is the Dean of faculty of Education, a member of the Department of Mathematics Education and the Establishing Director of the RANGE Center — the Interdisciplinary Center for the Research and Advancement of Giftedness and Excellence in the University of Haifa. During 2012-2017 she served as the President of MCG – the International Group for Mathematical Creativity and Giftedness (affiliated with ICMI). Dr. Leikin is a Senior Mathematical Editor of the International Journal for Science and Mathematics Education. She has edited 12 volumes related to research in mathematics education and the education of gifted, published more than 150 papers in peer reviewed research journals, books, and refereed conference proceedings. 

3 Электронные книги Roza Leikin

Roza Leikin & Bharath Sriraman: Creativity and Giftedness
This volume provides readers with a broad view on the variety of issues related to the educational research and practices in the field of Creativity in Mathematics and Mathematical Giftedness. The bo …
Roza Leikin & Rina Zazkis: Learning Through Teaching Mathematics
The idea of teachers Learning through Teaching (LTT) – when presented to a naïve bystander – appears as an oxymoron. Are we not supposed to learn before we teach? After all, under the usual circumsta …
Roza Leikin: Mathematical Challenges For All
This book argues that mathematical challenge can be found at any level and at every age and constitutes an essential characteristic of any mathematics classroom aimed at developing the students’ math …