Paul Tillich is best known today as a theologian of mediation. Many have come to view him as an out-of-date thinker a safe exemplar of a mid-twentieth-century theological liberalism. The way he has come to be viewed contrasts sharply with the current theological landscape one dominated by the notion of radicality. In this collection, Russell Re Manning breaks with the widespread opinion of Tillich as ‘safe’ and dated. Retrieving the Radical Tillich depicts the thinker as a radical theologian, strongly marked but never fully determined by the urgent critical demands of his time. From the crisis of a German cultural and religious life after the First World War, to the new realities of religious pluralism, Tillich’s theological responses were always profoundly ambivalent, impure and disruptive, asserts Re Manning. The Tillich that is outlined and analyzed by this collection is never merely correlative. Far from the dominant image of the theologian as a liberal accommodationist, Re Manning reintroduces the troubled and troubling figure of the radical Tillich.
Introduction: The Real Tillich is the Radical Tillich, Russell Re Manning Part I: Tillich’s Radical Legacy Chapter 1: A Homage to Paulus, Thomas J. J. Altizer Chapter 2: Paul Tillich and the Death of God: Breaking the Confines of Heaven and Rethinking the Courage to Be, Daniel J. Peterson Chapter 3: God is a Symbol for God: Paul Tillich and the Contours of Any Possible Radical Theology, Richard Grigg Chapter 4: The Nemesis Hex: Mary Daly and the Pirated Proto-Patriarchal Paulus, Christopher D. Rodkey Chapter 5: Parataxis and Theonomy: Tillich and Adorno in Dialogue, Christopher Craig Brittain Chapter 6: Peacemaking on the Boundary, Matthew Lon Weaver Part II: Tillich and Contemporary Radical Theologies Chapter 7: The Irrelevance and Relevance of the Radical, Impure Tillich, Michael Grimshaw Chapter 8: Socialism’s Multitude. Tillich’s The Socialist Decision & Resisting the U.S. Imperial, Mark Lewis Taylor Chapter 9: Changing Ontotheology. Paul Tillich, Catherine Malabou and the Plastic God, Jeffrey W. Robbins Chapter 10: Can there be a theology of disenchantment? Speculative Realism, Correlationism, and Unbinding the nihil in Tillich, Thomas A. James Chapter 11: Depth and the Void: Tillich and i ek via Schelling, Clayton Crockett Chapter 12: The Critical Project in Schelling, Tillich and Goodchild, Daniel Whistler Chapter 13: Correlating the Death of God. Paul Tillich and Radical Philosophical Atheism, Russell Re Manning
Об авторе
Thomas J. J. Altizer, State University of New York at Stony Brook, USA Daniel J. Peterson, Seattle University, USA Matthew Lon Weaver, Glen Avon Presbyterian Church, USA Christopher C. Brittain, University of Aberdeen, UK Daniel Whistler, Liverpool University, UK Christopher Rodkey, Lebanon Valley College, USA Michael Grimshaw, University of Canterbury, Auckland, NZ Jeffrey W. Robbins, Lebanon Valley College, USA Thomas A. James, Union Presbyterian Seminary, USA Clayton Crockett, University of Central Arkansas, USA Mark Lewis Taylor, Princeton Theological Seminary, USA Richard Grigg, Sacred Heart University, USA