Widely regarded as the most comprehensive comparative foreign policy text, Foreign Policy in Comparative Perspective has been completely updated in this much-anticipated second edition . The editors have brought together fifteen top scholars to highlight the importance of both internal and external forces in foreign policymaking. Exploring the foreign policies of thirteen nations—both major and emerging players, and representing all regions of the world—chapter authors link the study of international relations to domestic politics, while treating each nation according to individual histories and contemporary dilemmas.
The book′s accessible theoretical framework is designed to enable comparative analysis, helping students discern patterns to understand why a state acts as it does in foreign affairs. Each of the thirteen country chapters includes: an introduction by the editors to highlight similar developments in other countries; a discussion of the linkages between internal and external factors and implications for the future; coverage of key foreign policy issues; a map to provide geographical context; and a list of suggested readings.
The Analysis of Foreign Policy in Comparative Perspective — Juliet Kaarbo, Jeffrey S. Lantis, & Ryan K. Beasley
British Foreign Policy — Brian White
French Foreign Policy — Adrian Treacher
German Foreign Policy — Sebastian Harnisch
Russian Foreign Policy — Mariya Omelicheva
Chinese Foreign Policy — Zhiqun Zhu
Japanese Foreign Policy — Akitoshi Miyashita
Indian Foreign Policy — Tinaz Pavri
Turkish Foreign Policy — Binnur Ozkececi-Taner
Iranian Foreign Policy — Graeme A. M. Davies
Nigerian Foreign Policy — Olufemi A. Babarinde & Stephen Wright
South African Foreign Policy — Derick Becker
Brazilian Foreign Policy — Tulla Vigevani and Gabriel Cepaluni
Venezuelan Foreign Policy — Rita Giacalone
Comparing Contemporary Foreign Policies — Ryan K. Beasley and Michael T. Snarr