автор: S. Ali Mirjalili

Ali Mirjalili is a medically qualified clinical anatomist. Today, Ali teaches clinically applied topographical anatomy to undergraduates medical students and radiologic anatomy to radiological trainees at the University of Auckland, New Zealand. Ali also teaches surgical anatomy to surgical trainees and junior doctors at the Science for Surgeons Course, University of Auckland.

3 Электронные книги S. Ali Mirjalili

S. Ali Mirjalili: Anatomy for the Generic Surgical Sciences Examination (GSSE)
This book is designed for Generic Surgical Sciences Examination (GSSE). This collection of questions and answers as well as short notes is intended to assist junior doctors in successfully sitting th …
S. Ali Mirjalili: Physiology for General Surgical Sciences Examination (GSSE)
This book is designed as a learning tool to assist candidates to become familiar with the common, yet often complex, physiology topics covered in the GSSE examination. Its aim is to give candidates i …
Amir Hossein Gandomi & Ali Mirjalili: Comprehensive Metaheuristics
Comprehensive Metaheuristics: Algorithms and Applications presents the foundational underpinnings of metaheuristics and a broad scope of algorithms and real-world applications across a variety of res …