In the small town of Hebert, Illinois, a body is found behind the truck stop that disappears twenty-four hours later. Then there’s another disappearance, doubling every night. A trucker arrives at the sheriff’s office with a theory that the sheriff finds hard to believe. The trucker’s theory is that his ex-partner is responsible. When the problem in Hebert is in the stages of being resolved, the sheriff and two young volunteers head for Kalamazoo, Michigan, to meet up with the young trucker, his new partner, and a detective. Kalamazoo is experiencing the same problem as Hebert, only on a much larger scale.
Can the mysterious disappearances be stopped? Can the one responsible be found and brought to justice? If these volunteers and the police department fail, what is next?
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Born and raised in Michigan, now retired to Arizona. Grandparent of 9, great-grandparent of 1. This book and all those that follow are my legacy to those children.