Offering a timely snapshot of current theory and research in the field of psychology in foreign language learning, this book is accessible to both specialists and non-specialists. Each chapter focuses on a different psychological construct and provides an overview of current thinking in the area drawing on insights from educational psychology.
Foreword; Z.Dörnyei Introduction; S.Mercer , S.Ryan & M.Williams Self-concept: Situating the Self; S.Mercer Identity: The Situated Construction of Identity and Positionality in Multilingual Classrooms; N.Morita Personality: Personality Traits as Independent and Dependent Variables; J.M.Dewaele Motivation: L2 Learning as a Special Case?; E.Ushioda Implicit Theories: Language Learning Mindsets; S.Ryan & S.Mercer Attribution: Looking Back and Ahead at the ‘Why’ Theory; P.H.Hsieh Affect: The Role of Language Anxiety and Other Emotions in Language Learning; P.Mac Intyre & T.Gregerson Willingness to Communicate: Momentary Volition that Results in L2 Behaviour; T.Yashima Strategies: The Interface of Styles, Strategies and Motivation on Tasks; A.D.Cohen Learning Styles: Traversing the Quagmire; C.Griffiths Metacognition: Awareness of Language Learning; N.J.Anderson Goal Orientations: Three Perspectives on Motivation Goal Orientations; L.Woodrow Self-directed Learning: Concepts, Practice and a Novel Research Methodology; R.Pemberton & L.Cooker Group Dynamics: Collaborative Agency in Present Communities of Imagination; T.Murphey , J.Falout , Y.Fukada & T.Fukuda Conclusion: Final Remarks; S.Mercer , S.Ryan & M.Williams Glossary
Об авторе
NEIL J ANDERSON Professor of Linguistics and English Language at Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah, USA ANDREW D. COHEN Professor in phased retirement in the Program in Second Language Studies, University of Minnesota, USA LUCY COOKER Lecturer at the University of Nottingham, UK JEAN-MARC DEWAELE Professor of Applied Linguistics and Multilingualism at Birkbeck, University of London, UK JOSEPH FALOUT Assistant Professor at Nihon University, Japan YOSHIFUMI FUKADA Associate Professor in the Department of International Studies at Meisei University, Japan TETSUYA FUKUDA Associate Professor at Yamano College, Japan TAMMY GREGERSEN Professor of TESOL at the University of Northern Iowa, USA CAROL GRIFFITHS currently working as Teacher Trainer at Yeditepe University in Istanbul, Turkey PEI-HSUAN (PEGGY) HSIEH Education Specialist at the University of Texas Medical School, Houston, USA PETER MACINTYRE Professor of Psychology at Cape Breton University, Canada NAOKO MORITA Lecturer at Simon Fraser University, Canada TIM MURPHEY Professor at Kanda University of International Studies, Japan RICHARD PEMBERTON Associate Professor in the School of Education at the University of Nottingham, UK EMA USHIODA Associate Professor in ELT and Applied Linguistics at the University of Warwick, UK LINDY WOODROW Senior Lecturer in TESOL in at the University of Sydney, Australia TOMOKO YASHIMA Professor of Applied Linguistics and Intercultural Communication at Kansai University, Japan