Samuel Taylor Coleridge Complete Works World’s Best Collection
This is the world’s best Coleridge collection, including the most complete set of Austen’s works available plus many free bonus materials.
Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Samuel Taylor Coleridge was an English poet, literary critic and philosopher who, with his friend William Wordsworth, founded the Romantic Movement in England. Some of his works are the most famous in English literature.
The ‘Must-Have’ Complete Collection
In this irresistible collection you get a full set of Coleridge’s work, All his legendary poems, All his prose, All his famous works, and All his long works. We also include an unusual autobiography written by Coleridge himself, plus other bonus material.
Works Included:
Poems Including among others:
The Rime Of The Ancient Mariner
Kubla Khan
To The Evening Star
Songs Of The Pixies
The Rose
The Death Of The Starling
The Faded Flower
The Outcast
Ode To The Departing Year
The Raven
To An Unfortunate Woman At The Theatre
Fire, Famine, And Slaughter A War Eclogue
The Devil’s Thoughts
The Mad Monk
Ode To Tranquility
Dramatic Works Including:
The Fall Of Robespierre
The Piccolomini
The Death Of Wallenstein
Jeux D’Esprit
Metrical Experiments
Your Free Special Bonuses
Fragments From A Notebook Circa 1796-98— intriguing fragments from Coleridge’s notebooks.
Biographia Literaria - an unusual autobiography written by Coleridge himself
The Life Of Samuel Taylor Coleridge - a biopgraphy of Coleridge and his fascinating life.
Historical Context and Literary Context Notes - Detailed explanations of the Regency Era and Romanticism, written specially for this collection.
Get This Collection Right Now
This is the best Coleridge collection you can get, so get it now and start enjoying and being inspired by his world like never before!