Get more out of your coding with Git Hub
For today’s coders, Git Hub is a must. The world’s largest software development platform, Git Hub helps developers store, track, and collaborate on software projects. In this easy-to-follow Dummies guide, you’ll find insight into creating repositories, establishing projects, collaborating, incorporating open-source resources, and establishing yourself as a valued member of the Git Hub community. With a working knowledge of Git Hub, you’ll be a better, more employable programmer. The simple instructions and interactive examples in this book will get you there quickly.
* Get the instructions you need for using Git Hub to collaborate on software projects
* Become more attractive to employers with knowledge and experience in the largest development platform
* Set up Git Hub Desktop, create a repository, and launch your first project
* Use Git Hub Skills courses to learn new tricks, for beginners to pros
You’ve learned how to write a little code—now learn how to share it with Git Hub.
Introduction 1
Part 1: Getting Started with Git 5
Chapter 1: Understanding the Git in Git Hub 7
Chapter 2: Setting Up Your Collaborative Coding Environment 25
Part 2: Starting Your First Solo Project 35
Chapter 3: Introducing Git Hub Repositories 37
Chapter 4: Setting Up a Git Hub Website Repo 57
Chapter 5: Creating a Website with Git Hub Pages 73
Part 3: Contributing to Your First Project 91
Chapter 6: Forking Git Hub Repositories 93
Chapter 7: Writing and Committing Code 109
Chapter 8: Working with Pull Requests 129
Part 4: Managing and Contributing to Large Projects 149
Chapter 9: Exploring and Contributing to OSS 151
Chapter 10: Starting Your Own OSS 165
Chapter 11: Inner-Source Your Code on Git Hub 185
Part 5: Making Git Hub Work for You 203
Chapter 12: Collaborating Outside of Git Hub 205
Chapter 13: Git Hub Workflow Integrations 219
Chapter 14: Personalizing Git Hub 233
Part 6: The Git Hub Ecosystem 247
Chapter 15: Exploring the Git Hub Marketplace 249
Chapter 16: Git Hub and You 259
Chapter 17: Attending Events 267
Part 7: The Part of Tens 277
Chapter 18: Ten Ways to Level Up on Git Hub 279
Chapter 19: Ten Ways to Improve Your Development Workflow 291
Chapter 20: Ten Tips for Being an Effective Community Member 299
Index 307
Об авторе
Sarah Guthals, Ph D is the Director of Developer Relations for Sentry, and previously worked at Git Hub as an Engineering Manager. She is coauthor of Helping Kids with Coding For Dummies.