What is this book about?Professional Java builds upon Ivor Horton’s Beginning Java to provide the reader with an understanding of howprofessionals use Java to develop software solutions. Pro Java starts with an overview of best methods and toolsfor developing Java applications. It then examines thethe more sophisticated and nuanced parts of the Java JDK. Thefinal and most extensive part of the book shows how to implementthese ideas to build real-world applications, using both Java APIs as well as related Java open source tools. In short, this book provides a comprehensive treatment of theprofessional Java development process, without losing focus inexhaustive coverage of isolated features and APIs.
Acknowledgments.Introduction.Chapter 1: Key Java Language Features and Libraries.Chapter 2: Tools and Techniques for Developing Java Solutions.Chapter 3: Exploiting Patterns in Java.Chapter 4: Developing Effective User Interfaces with JFC.Chapter 5: Persisting Your Application Using Files.Chapter 6: Persisting Your Application Using Databases.Chapter 7: Developing Web Applications Using the Model 1Architecture.Chapter 8: Developing Web Applications Using the Model 2Architecture.Chapter 9: Interacting with C/C++ Using Java Native Interface.Chapter 10: Communicating between Java Components with RMI and EJB.Chapter 11: Communicating between Java Components and Componentsof Other Platforms.Chapter 12: Distributed Processing with JMS and JMX.Chapter 13: Java Security.Chapter 14: Packaging and Deploying Your Java Applications.References.Index. End-User License Agreement.
Об авторе
W. Clay Richardson is a software consultant concentrating onagile Java solutions for highly specialized business processes. Hehas fielded many Java solutions, serving in roles including seniorarchitect, development lead, and program manager. He is a coauthorof More Java Pitfalls and Professional Portal Developmentwith Open Source Tools (Wiley). As an adjunct professor ofcomputer science for Virginia Tech, Richardson teachesgraduate-level coursework in object-oriented development with Java.He holds degrees from Virginia Tech and the Virginia Military Institute.Donald Avondolio is a software consultant with over 19years of experience developing and deploying enterpriseapplications. He began his career in the aerospace industrydeveloping programs for flight simulators and later became anindependent contractor, crafting health-care middleware andlow-level device drivers for an assortment of mechanical devices.Most recently, he has built e-commerce applications for numeroushigh-profile companies, including The Home Depot, Federal Computer Week, the U.S. Postal Service, and General Electric. He iscurrently a technical architect and developer on several portaldeployments. Don serves as an adjunct professor at Virginia Tech, where he teaches progressive object-oriented design and developmentmethodologies, with an emphasis on patterns.Joe Vitale has been working as a developer for the lastten years. He has worked significantly with the latest Javatechnologies and also the most-popular open source technologies onthe market. Besides being a developer, Vitale is coauthor of Professional Portal Development with Open Source Tools(Wiley), which had a strong focus on open source development andthe Java Portlet API formally known as JSR 168. Joe currently worksfor Mc Donald Bradley as a development manager, where he managesmore than 50 developers.Scot Schrager has consulted extensively in the domains ofpharmaceuticals, supply chain management, and the national securitymarket. He has led and participated in various project teams using Java and Object Oriented Analysis & Design techniques. Mostrecently, Schrager has been focused on distributed applicationarchitecture using J2EE technology.Mark W. Mitchell has extensive experience in enterpriseapplication integration, particularly Web Services integrationbetween Java and the Microsoft platform. He has developed anddeployed several mission-critical Web applications. Mitchell holdsa degree in computer science from the University of Virginia.Jeff Scanlon is a senior software engineer at Mc Donald Bradley in Herndon, Virginia. Scanlon holds both the Sun Certified Java Developer and Microsoft Certified Solutions Developercertifications and has been published in Software Development magazine.