автор: Shel Israel

Robert Scoble is Microsoft»s best known blogger, withover 3.5 million visitors to his main blogsite annually. By day, asa «technical evangelist» (a marketing position) he helps runMicrosoft»s Channel 9 website and can be seen with his camcordertaping interviews and getting people inside looks at Microsoft»speople and technology. He started blogging in 2000 and within a fewweeks, he was invited to Steve Wozniak»s Super Bowl party. Shel Israel has been consulting for over 20 years.He has played a key strategic role in introducing some oftechnology»s most enduring products including: SoundBlaster, PowerPoint, Filemaker, MapInfo and Sun Microsystems workstationsand more. He is editor-in-chief of Conferenza PremiumReports.

3 Электронные книги Shel Israel

Scoble Robert & Robert Scoble: Unsere Kommunikation der Zukunft
E-Mail, SMS, Instant Messaging, Chatrooms und das Telefon: Möglichkeiten um miteinander auf direkte, informelle Weise zu kommunizieren gab es schon immer. Neu dazugekommen ist das Blogging. Diese neu …
Scoble Robert & Robert Scoble: Unsere Kommunikation der Zukunft
E-Mail, SMS, Instant Messaging, Chatrooms und das Telefon: Möglichkeiten um miteinander auf direkte, informelle Weise zu kommunizieren gab es schon immer. Neu dazugekommen ist das Blogging. Diese neu …
Shel Israel: Twitterville