This volume addresses important questions related to the well-being and quality of life of emerging adults during crisis periods. It discusses the particular challenges that emerging adults face during a global or local crisis, the psychosocial resources they mobilize to overcome them and to flourish, the well-being indicators pertinent to youth development across various life domains, and the strategies to promote positive youth development and well-being under conditions of crisis. The volume examines these questions from an international and interdisciplinary point of view, collecting contributions mainly from psychology, but also education, economics, and sociology. It includes novel quantitative and qualitative research, intervention studies, critical reviews, and conceptual chapters. This makes it an essential read for scholars of positive development in emerging adulthood under crisis, as well as a relevant and accessible source of information for discerning lay readers.
The specific focus of the majority of contributions on the Covid-19 pandemic makes this volume highly topical. Its focus on both well-being dimensions and problems related to crises offers a deeper understanding of the cultural similarities and differences in individual and collective challenges and resources across world regions. The volume investigates various facets of well-being, including daily experiences, relationships, purpose and growth, learning activities, and achievements. Evidence derived from the contributions to this volume can prove valuable for handling future crises through targeted interventions and programmes in different contexts and life domains.
— 1. Introduction. -
Part I On Crises, Emerging Adults, and Well-being. — 2. Discovering and Pursuing Purpose in Trying Times. — 3. The Meaning Making of the Greek Crisis Through Collective Experiences of Emerging Adults. — 4. Mental Health and Interpersonal Relationships in Emerging Adults During the COVID-19 Pandemic: An International Overview. -
Part II Challenges and Resources in Coping with Crisis: The Experience
of Emerging Adults Across Nations. — 5. Mental Health and Daily Experience of Italian College Students During the COVID-19 Pandemic. — 6. Well-Being of Greek University Students During the COVID-19 Pandemic. — 7. Exploring Meaning-Making Among University Students in South Africa During the COVID-19 Lockdown. — 8. The Interplay of Growth Mindset and Self-Compassion with Psychological Resilience Among Chinese Emerging Adults During the COVID-19 Pandemic. — 9. Stress, Self-Efficacy, Resilience, and Happiness Among Mexican Emerging Adults During the Confinement Due to COVID-19. — 10. Perceived Parental Rearing Behaviors, Resilience, Loneliness,
and Life Satisfaction Among Greek Emerging Adults During the COVID-19 Pandemic. — 11. A Struggle for Love: Emerging Adults’ Romantic Relationships During the COVID-19 Pandemic. — 12. Hope in the Face of the Greek Crisis: Intergenerational Echoes of Income and Parental Involvement in Emerging Adulthood. -
Part III Well-being, Resources and Interventions in the Academic
Context. — 13. Academic Well-Being Among Emerging Adults During the COVID-19 Pandemic: An International Overview. — 14. Flow, Deep Learning, and Preparing Emerging Adults for Times of Crisis: An Empirically-Based Example of Game-Based Learning. — 15. The Role of Music in Undergraduate Students’ Wellbeing During the COVID-19 Lockdown: An Investigation Based on Musical Training. — 16. Empowering Emerging Adults to Face the Post-COVID-19 Challenges. — 17. Combining Stress Mindset Training with Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT): An Internet-Delivered Intervention for Emerging Adults During the Pandemic. — 18. A Crisis-Adaptive Approach to Resilience-Building in Pre-service Teaching and Librarianship Education: Learning
About and Learning to
Be. — 19. Conclusions.
Об авторе
Sophie Leontopoulou is Associate Professor in Psychology at the Department of Primary Education, University of Ioannina, Greece. She served as coordinator of the Division of Developmental Psychology of the Hellenic Psychological Society, and is founder member of the Positive Psychology Branch of this society, as well as of the Hellenic Association of Positive Psychology. Her theoretical and research interests focus on the area of Positive Developmental Psychology. She has published and presented her work internationally on positive psychosocial development in childhood, adolescence and emerging adulthood, resilience, well-being, flourishing, character strengths, positive emotions and positive psychology interventions.
Antonella Delle Fave, MD with specialty in clinical psychology, is Professor of Psychology at the Medical School, University of Milano, Italy. Her research work is centred on the study of flow experience, mental health indicators and daily experience fluctuation across cultures and among individuals experiencing conditions of diversity and adversity. She is involved in research and intervention projects aimed at promoting well-being and mental health among persons with chronic diseases and their family caregivers. Her scientific production includes papers in international peer-reviewed journals, as well as authored and edited academic volumes. She served as President of the International Positive Psychology Association, the European Network of Positive Psychology, and the Società Italiana di Psicologia Positiva. Since 2010 she has been Editor-in-Chief of the
Journal of Happiness Studies (Springer).