автор: Stefan D. Anker

Professor Mantovani is Full Professor of Medical Oncology and Chief of the Division and Laboratory of Medical Oncology at University of Cagliari, School of Medicine, Cagliari, Italy. His research interests include treatment of cancer-related anorexia/cachexia and oxidative stress, combined-modality therapy of human cancers and cancer immunotherapy. He is first author of more than 200 publications in top-rated cancer journals. Many colleagues from all over the world are acting as co-editors.

4 Электронные книги Stefan D. Anker

Giovanni Mantovani: Cachexia and Wasting
Cachexia may well represent the flip side of the tremendous achievements of modern medicine. Many diseases rapidly leading patients to death just a few years ago, are now better controlled by new t …
Stefan D. Anker & Karl G. Hofbauer: Pharmacotherapy of Cachexia
Although a wealth of information can be found scattered throughout periodicals and research papers, tracking down the most effective treatment for a heterogeneous syndrome such as cachexia can be …
Stefan D. Anker & Stephan von Haehling: Anämie bei chronischer Herzinsuffizenz
Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen stellen in Europa die häufigste Todesursache dar. Viele Herzerkrankungen wie z.B. die koronare Herzkrankheit, Klappenvitien und Herzrhythmusstörungen können zu chronischer …
Stefan D. Anker & Stephan von Haehling: Iron deficiency and anaemia in heart failure
Cardiovascular diseases represent the most important cause of death in developed and in developing countries. Iron deficiency is one of the most important factors contributing to anaemia onset in …