Stig Thøgersen is professor of China studies at Aarhus University. He is the author of A County of Culture – Twentieth century China seen from the village schools of Zouping, Shandong (University of Michigan Press, 2002) and Doing Fieldwork in China (ed. with Maria Heimer, NIAS Press 2006). He has published several articles on social, political and cultural change in rural China in journals such as China Quarterly, China Journal, and Journal of Contemporary China. Besides rural organizations and rural reconstruction his main present research interest is in the life histories of Chinese overseas students. Ane Bislev is a postdoctoral fellow at the Department of Culture and Society at Aarhus University. She did her Ph D on microcredit and social capital in Yunnan and Guizhou and is currently working on a project on the informal credit markets in rural China. She is the author of The Need for Capital: Social Capital and Microcredit in Southwest China (2010).
4 Электронные книги Stig Thogersen
Ane Bislev & Stig Thogersen: Organizing Rural China — Rural China Organizing
During the early 1980s China embarked on what can be seen as one of the world’s largest social experiments ever. Decollectivization meant much more than the reorganization of agricultural production …
Steen Fryba Christensen & Clemens Stubbe Ostergaard: Fremtidens stormagter
BRIK er blevet et buzzword blandt investorer, meningsdannere og beslutningstagere. Det henviser til verdensokonomiens nye ‘fabulousfour’; Brasilien, Rusland, Indien og Kina.Begrebet BRIK blev oprinde …
Soren Clausen & Stig Thogersen: Making of a Chinese City
The history of Harbin, ruled by the Russians, by an international coalition of allied powers, by Chinese warlords, by the Soviet Union and finally by the Chinese Communists — all in the course of 100 …
Soren Clausen & Stig Thogersen: Making of a Chinese City
The history of Harbin, ruled by the Russians, by an international coalition of allied powers, by Chinese warlords, by the Soviet Union and finally by the Chinese Communists — all in the course of 100 …