автор: Stone Lucian Stone

Lucian Stone is Assistant Professor in the Department of Philosophy and Religion, The University of North Dakota, USA.

4 Электронные книги Stone Lucian Stone

Professor A. Rebecca Rozelle-Stone & Professor Lucian Stone: Simone Weil and Theology
Simone Weil — philosopher, religious thinker, mystic, social/political activist — is notoriously difficult to categorize, since her life and writings challenge traditional academic boundaries. As man …
Professor A. Rebecca Rozelle-Stone & Professor Lucian Stone: Simone Weil and Theology
Simone Weil — philosopher, religious thinker, mystic, social/political activist — is notoriously difficult to categorize, since her life and writings challenge traditional academic boundaries. As man …
Professor Lucian (The University of North Dakota, USA) Stone: Iranian Identity and Cosmopolitanism
Since cosmopolitanism has often been conceived as a tenet of »Western civilization» that emanates from its Enlightenment-based origins in a humanist age of modernity, Iranian Identity and Cosmopoli …
Professor Lucian (The University of North Dakota, USA) Stone: Iranian Identity and Cosmopolitanism
Since cosmopolitanism has often been conceived as a tenet of »Western civilization» that emanates from its Enlightenment-based origins in a humanist age of modernity, Iranian Identity and Cosmopoli …