This book presents a state-of-the-art overview of the relationship
between globalization studies and literature and literary studies,
and the bearing that they have on each other. It engages with the
manner in which globalization is thematized in literary works,
examines the relationship between globalization theory and literary
theory, and discusses the impact of globalization processes on the
production and reception of literary texts.
Suman Gupta argues that, while literature has registered
globalization processes in relevant ways, there has been a missed
articulation between globalization studies and literary studies.
Examples are given of some of the ways in which this slippage is
now being addressed and may be taken forward, taking up such themes
as the manner in which anti-globalization protests and world cities
have figured in literary works; the ways in which theories of
postmodernism and postcolonialism, familiar in literary studies,
have diverged from and converged with globalization studies; and
how industries to do with the circulation of literature are
becoming globalized.
This book is intended for university-level students and
teachers, researchers, and other informed readers with an interest
in the above issues, and serves as both a survey of the field and
an intervention within it.
Acknowledgements ix
1 The Nuances of Globalization 1
Narrative Performance 1
Travels of a Term 3
Plan of this Study 10
2 Movements and Protests 13
Plucking a Theme 13
Anti-Globalization Protests 14
Peace Movements 23
V-Day 31
3 Global Cities and Cosmopolis 37
Global Teens 37
Global Cities 38
Global City Transactions 43
Cosmopolitan Order and Cosmopolis 48
Virtual Cosmopolis 53
4 Literary Studies and Globalization 62
Literary Entanglements 62
Turning to Literary Studies 65
Globalization Thematized 66
Literary Text 71
Culture and Identity 85
5 Postmodernism and Postcolonialism 97
Postmodernism 97
Postcolonialism 107
6 Academic Institutional Spaces 123
English Studies 123
Comparative Literature/World Literature 136
A Note on Translation 146
7 The Globalization of Literature 151
Dying Authors 151
Literary Industries 159
References 171
Index 185
Об авторе
Suman Gupta is Professor of Literature and Cultural History at the Open University.