3 Электронные книги Suniti Sharma
Suniti Sharma & Althier M. Lazar: Rethinking 21st Century Diversity in Teacher Preparation, K-12 Education, and School Policy
This book offers educators new understandings of 21st century diversity emerging from contemporary national events within the U.S., global movements, and changes in the world political order that hav …
JoAnn Phillion & Jubin Rahatzad: Internationalizing Teacher Education for Social Justice
In Internationalizing Teacher Education for Social Justice: Theory, Research, and Practice, editors Suniti Sharma, Jo Ann Phillion, Jubin Rahatzad, and Hannah L. Sasser present a collection of person …
Hannah Dockrill & JoAnn Phillion: Internationalizing Teaching and Teacher Education for Equity
In Internationalizing Teaching and Teacher Education for Equity: Engaging Alternative Knowledges Across Ideological Borders, editors Jubin Rahatzad, Hannah Dockrill, Jo Ann Phillion, and Suniti Sharm …