Susan Kepecs is an independent scholar and an honorary fellow in the Department of Anthropology at the University of Wisconsin–Madison. She is the coeditor of The Postclassic to Spanish-Era Transition in Mesoamerica: Archaeological Perspectives (UNM Press) with Rani T. Alexander and the coeditor of Beyond the Blockade: New Currents in Cuban Archaeology with L. Antonio Curet and Gabino La Rosa Corzo.
2 Электронные книги Susan Kepecs
Rani T. Alexander & Susan Kepecs: Colonial and Postcolonial Change in Mesoamerica
This book offers a new account of human interaction and culture change for Mesoamerica that connects the present to the past. Social histories that assess the cultural upheavals between the Spanish i …
Gabino La Rosa Corzo & L. Antonio Curet: Beyond the Blockade
An important collection of essays and scholarship by Cuban archaeologists about precontact human settlement on the island.An important and timely collection of essays that greatly expands knowledge o …