The proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Frontiers in Intelligent Computing: Theory and Applications 2015 (FICTA 2015) serves as the knowledge centre not only for scientists and researchers in the field of intelligent computing but also for students of post-graduate level in various engineering disciplines. The book covers a comprehensive overview of the theory, methods, applications and tools of Intelligent Computing. Researchers are now working in interdisciplinary areas and the proceedings of FICTA 2015 plays a major role to accumulate those significant works in one arena. The chapters included in the proceedings inculcates both theoretical as well as practical aspects of different areas like Nature Inspired Algorithms, Fuzzy Systems, Data Mining, Signal Processing, Image processing, Text Processing, Wireless Sensor Networks, Network Security and Cellular Automata.
Part 1: Special Session: Advances in Nature Inspired Algorithms for Engineering Optimization Problems_ An Efficient Dynamic Scheduling Algorithm for Soft Real-Time Task in Multiprocessor System Using Hybrid Quantum-Inspired Genetic Algorithm.- Equitable Machine Learning Algorithms to Probe over P2P Botnets.- Directed Search Based PSO Algorithm and Its Application to Scheduling Independent Task in Multiprocessor Environment.- Part 2: Bioinformatics and Computational Biology_ JUPred_MLP: Prediction of Phosphorylation Sites Using a Consensus of MLP Classifiers.- Molecular Computing and Structural Biology for Interactions in ERα and b ZIP Proteins from Homo Sapiens: An Insight into the Signal Transduction in Breast Cancer Metastasis.- SVM Based Pre-micro RNA Classifier Using Sequence, Structural and Thermodynamic Parameters.- DCo Spect: A Novel Differentially Co-expressed Gene Module Detection Algorithm Using Spectral Clustering.- Intelligent Topological Differential Gene Networks.- Part 3: Signal Processing_ Impact of Threshold to Identify Vocal Tract.- Application of Compressed Sensing in Cognitive Radio.- Compressed Sensing Based NBI Mitigation in Ultra Wide Band Energy Detector.- Part 4: Data Mining_ A Novel Data Mining Scheme for Smartphone Activity Recognition by Accelerometer Sensor.- Mining and Ranking Association Rules in Support, Confidence, Correlation and Dissociation Framework.- Mining Closed Interesting Sub
spaces to Discover Conducive Living Environment of Migratory Animals.- Frequent Patterns Mining from Data Cube Using Aggregation and Directed Graph.-Part 5: Document Image Analysis_ A Modified Parallel Thinning Method for Handwritten Oriya Character Images.- Offline Signature Verification Using Artificial Neural Network.- A Simple and Effective Technique for Online Handwritten Bangla Character Recognition.- Visual Analytic Based Technique for Handwritten Indic Script Identification – A Greedy Heuristic Feature Fusion Framework.- Offline Writer Identification from Isolated Characters Using Textural Features.- PWDB_13: A Corpus of Word-level Printed Document Images from Thirteen Official Indic Scripts.-
Part 6: Applications of Metaheuristic Optimization_ Application of Krill Herd Algorithm for Optimum Design of Load Frequency Controller for Multi-Area Power System Network with Generation Rate Constraint.- Optimal allocation of Distributed Generator using Chemical Reaction Optimization.- A Novel Combined Approach of
k-means and Genetic Algorithm to Cluster Cultural Goods in Household Budget.- A PSO with improved initialization operator for solving Multiple Sequence Alignment Problems.- Profit Maximization of TSP with uncertain Parameters through a Hybrid Algorithm.-
Part 7: Wireless Sensor and Ad-hoc Networks_ Mitigating Packet Dropping Problem and Malicious Node Detection Mechanism in Ad Hoc Wireless Networks.- Service Provisioning middleware for Wireless Sensor Network.- A Novel MTC-RB Heuristic for Addressing Target Coverage Problem in Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Network.-
Part 8: Quantum dot Cellular Automata_ 2 Dimensional 2 Dot 1 Electron Quantum Cellular Automata Based Dynamic Memory Design.- Optimized Approach for Reversible Code Converters Using Quantum Dot Cellular Automata.- Design of a Logically Reversible Half Adder using 2D 2-Dot 1-Electron QCA.-
Part 9: Fuzzy Sets and Systems_ Intuitionistic Fuzzy Multivalued Dependency and Intuitionistic Fuzzy Fourth Normal Form.- Parameter Reduction of Intuitionistic Fuzzy Soft Sets and Its Related Algorithms.- Correlation Measure of Hesitant Fuzzy Linguistic Term Soft Set and Its Application in Decision Making.- Constrained Solid Travelling Salesman Problem Solving by Rough GA Under Bi-fuzzy Coefficients.-
Part 10: Routing and Traffic Grooming_ A Novel Multi-criteria Multi-agent Based Routing Strategy Based on Tarantula Mating Behaviour.- A Mesh Based Multicast Routing Protocol using Reliable Neighbor Node for Wireless Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks.- Traffic Grooming in Hybrid Optical-Wi MAX Mesh Networks.-
Part 11: Authentication and Network Security_ Host Based Intrusion Detection Using Statistical Approaches.- Secure Remote Login Scheme with Password and Smart Card Update Facilities.- Generation and Risk Analysis of Network Attack Graph.- Unsupervised Spam Detection in Hyves Using SALSA.- Cryptanalysis of a Chaotic Map Based Authentication and Key Agreement Scheme for Telecare Medicine Information Systems.- Improving the Accuracy of Intrusion Detection Using GAR-Forest with Feature Selection.-
Part 12: Text Processing_ Sentiment Analysis with Modality Processing.- Query-Based Extractive Text Summarization for Sanskrit.- Code Obfuscation by Using Floating Points and Conditional Statements.- Privacy Preserving Spam Email Filtering Based on Somewhat Homomorphic Using Functional Encryption.-
Part 13: Image Processing_ Digital Image Watermarking Scheme based on Visual Cryptography and SVD.- Compression of Hyper-Spectral Images and Its Performance Evaluation.- Hand Gesture Recognition for Sign Language: A Skeleton Approach.- Modified Cuckoo Searchbased Image Enhancement.- A Novel Iterative Salt-and-Pepper Noise Removal Algorithm.-
Part 14: Intelligent System Planning_ Queuing Model for Improving Qo S in Cloud Service Discovery.- Adaptive Multi-Layer Routing for Incremental Design of an So C.- Analyzing and Modelling Spatial Factors for Pre-decided Route Selection Behaviour.- Fault Tolerant Scheduling with Enhanced Performance for Onboard Computers-Evaluation.- A Multi-Agent Planning Algorithm with Joint Actions.- 4-Directional Combinatorial Motion Planning via Labeled Isotonic Array P System.- Intelligent Control of DFIG Using Sensorless Speed Estimation and Lookup Table based MPPT Algorithm to overcome Wind and Grid disturbances.
Об авторе
Dr. Swagatam Das received the B. E. Tel. E., M. E. Tel. E (Control Engineering specialization) and Ph.D. degrees, all from Jadavpur University, India, in 2003, 2005, and 2009, respectively. Currently, he is serving as an Assistant Professor at the Electronics and Communication Sciences Unit of Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata. His research interests include evolutionary computing, pattern recognition, multi-agent systems, and wireless communication. Dr. Das has published one research monograph, one edited volume, and more than 150 research articles in peer-reviewed journals and international conferences. He is the founding co-editor-in-chief of “Swarm and Evolutionary Computation”, an international journal from Elsevier. He serves as associate editors of the IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems and Information Sciences (Elsevier). He is an editorial board member of Progress in Artificial Intelligence (Springer), Mathematical Problems in Engineering, International Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing, and International Journal of Adaptive and Autonomous Communication Systems. He is the recipient of the 2012 Young Engineer Award from the Indian National Academy of Engineering (INAE).
Dr. Tandra Pal received the B.Sc. degree (honors) in Physics, the B.Tech. degree in Computer Science from Calcutta University, Kolkata, India, and the M.E. degree in Computer Science and the Ph.D. degree in Engineering from Jadavpur University, Kolkatata, India. Currently, she is Associate Professor in Computer Science and Engineering department of National Institute of Technology, Durgapur, India. She is working here since 1994. She has co-authored more than 30 technical articles in international journals and conference proceedings. Her research interest includes fuzzy sets theory, fuzzy control, fuzzy decision making, artificial neural networks, evolutionary computing, and multi-objective genetic algorithms.
Dr. Samarjit Kar completed his Ph D in Mathematics from Vidyasagar University, West Bengal. He is presently an Associate Professor at the Department of Mathematics, National Institute of Technology, Durgapur, India. With over 15 years of experience in teaching, Dr. Kar is also a Visiting Professor at the Department of Mathematical Sciences, Tsinghua University, China. He has visited several universities and institutes in India and abroad. He has co-authored more than 120 technical articles in international journals, contributed volumes and conference proceedings. He has published 2 textbooks and edited 5 contributed books with Springer, American Institute of Physics, Narosa and U.N. Dhur & Sons Publications. Dr. Kar has supervised 10 Ph D students. He is the Associate Editor of Journal of Uncertainty Analysis and Application (Springer) and is currently associated with an ongoing project, Hybrid modelling of uncertainty analysis in environmental risk assessments under BRNS, Department of Atomic Energy (DAE), Government of India. His research interests include operations research and optimization, soft computing, uncertainty theory and financial modelling.
Dr. Suresh Chandra Satapathy is currently working as Professor and Head, Dept. of CSE at Anil Neerukonda Institute of Technology and Sciences (ANITS), Andhra Pradesh, India. He obtained his Ph.D. in Computer Science and Engineering from JNTU Hyderabad and M.Tech in CSE from NIT, Rourkela, Odisha, India. He has 26 years of teaching experience. His research interests are data mining, machine intelligence and swarm intelligence. He has acted as program chair of many international conferences and edited 6 volumes of proceedings from Springer LNCS and AISC series. He is currently guiding 8 scholars for Ph Ds. Dr. Satapathy is also a Senior Member of IEEE.
Prof. J K Mandal has completed M.Sc. in Physics from Jadavpur University in 1986 and M.Tech. in Computer Science from University of Calcutta. He has been awarded Ph.D. in Computer Science & Engineering by Jadavpur University in 2000. Presently, he is working as Professor of Computer Science & Engineering and Former Dean, Faculty of Engineering, Technology and Management, Kalyani University, for two consecutive terms. He started his career as lecturer at NERIST, Arunachal Pradesh in 1988. He has 28 years of experience in teaching and research. His area of researchincludes coding theory, data and network security, remote sensing and GIS based applications, data compression, error correction, visual cryptography, steganography, security in MANET, wireless networks and unify computing. He has supervised 13 Ph.D. students. One student has submitted (2015) the thesis and 8 are currently on-going. He has supervised 3 M.Phil and more than 30 M.Tech projects. He is life member of Computer Society of India since 1992, CRSI since 2009, ACM since 2012, IEEE since 2013 and Fellow member of IETE since 2012, Vice Chairman of CSI Kolkata Chapter. He has conducted special sessions and chaired sessions in various International Conferences and delivered invited lectures. He is reviewer of various International Journals and Conferences. He has organized more than ten international conferences of Science Direct, Springer, IEEE and edited number of proceedings as volume Editor. He has more than 350 articles published in various journals and conferences. He has also published 5 books.