— Akihiro Hirakawa, Department of Biostatistics and Bioinformatics, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo
— Takashi Daimon, Division of Biostatistics, Hyogo College of Medicine
— Hiroyuki Satom, Biostatistics Group, Center for Product Evaluation, Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency
— Shigeyuki Matsui, Department of Biostatistics, Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine
2 Электронные книги Takashi Daimon
Akihiro Hirakawa & Hiroyuki Sato: Modern Dose-Finding Designs for Cancer Phase I Trials: Drug Combinations and Molecularly Targeted Agents
This book deals with advanced methods for adaptive phase I dose-finding clinical trials for combination of two agents and molecularly targeted agents (MTAs) in oncology. It provides not only methodol …
Takashi Daimon & Akihiro Hirakawa: Dose-Finding Designs for Early-Phase Cancer Clinical Trials
This book provides a comprehensive introduction to statistical methods for designing early phase dose-finding clinical trials. It will serve as a textbook or handbook for graduate students and practi …