You may think that the best way to spend your free time is by lying on the couch, watching Netflix. But if you want to be wealthy and successful, it’s not enough to work hard during the day—you also need to work hard at living well. And one of the best ways to start doing this is by spending your free time wisely.
You see, how rich and successful people spend their free time matters as much as how they spend their working hours.
You may think that the only difference between a millionaire and an average person is how much money they make for an hour of work (which certainly contributes).
However, there’s another big difference: The wealthiest people are able to enjoy a variety of life experiences in small doses throughout the week, while most others are rushing from one thing to another without stopping long enough even once to get any enjoyment out of anything outside their usual routine.
Introduction: How Rich And Successful People Spend Their Free Time Matters As Much As How They Spend Their Working Hours?
Can Wealth Equal Life Satisfaction?
Wealthy People Are Happier Because Of How They Choose To Spend Their Free Time?
How Do Successful People Free Up Their Time?
Millionaires Engage In More Active Leisure Activities Than Non-Millionaires?
Non-Millionaires Engage In More Passive Leisure Activities?
Why Do Rich And Successful People Spend Their Free Time On Education?
Why Do Rich And Successful People Invest So Much In Knowledge?
Why Do Rich And Successful People Read A Lot Of Books In Their Free Time?
Why Do Rich And Successful People Spend Their Free Time On Fitness?
How Exercise Helps Rich And Successful People Cultivate Self-Discipline?
Why Do Rich And Successful People Have More Free Time?
What Kind Of Vacations Do Rich And Successful People Take?
Why Do Rich And Successful People Spend Their Free Time On Socialization?
How Rich And Successful People Socialize In Their Free Time To Build Their Networks?
What Kind Of Hobbies Rich And Successful People Do In Their Free Time?
Rich And Successful People Do Volunteering Work In Their Free Time?
Why Do Rich And Successful People Spend Time With Their Families In Their Free Time?
Why Do Rich And Successful People Invest Their Free Time In Art?
Why Do Rich And Successful People Practice Outdoor Activities In Their Free Time?
Why Do Rich And Successful People Travel Around The World In Their Free Time?
Why Do Rich And Successful People Invest In Eating Well In Their Free Time?
Why Do Rich And Successful People Have A Side Hustle In Their Free Time?
Why Do Rich And Successful People Enjoy Nature In Their Free Time?
Why Do Rich And Successful People Don’t Spend Their Free Time On Social Media?
The content in this guide is based on extensive official research and comes from a variety of sources, mostly from books published by experts who have mastered each of the topics presented here and who are backed by internationally recognized careers.
Therefore, the reader will be able to acquire a large amount of knowledge from more than one reliable and specialized source. This happens because we rely only on official and endorsed media. In addition, we also collect information from different web pages, courses, biographies, and interviews, so we give the reader a broad overview of their topics of interest.
We have not only checked that the sources of knowledge are relevant, but we have also made a very careful selection of the final information that makes up this guide. With great practicality, we have compiled the most useful concepts and put them in a way that are easiest for the reader to learn.
Our ultimate goal is to simplify all the ideas that they are fully understandable and so that the reader can enjoy a pleasant, practical, and simple reading. This is why we strive to provide only the key information from each expert.
In this guide, the reader will not find redundancies or unnecessary or irrelevant content. Each chapter covers the essential and leaves out everything that could be deemed as extra or that does not add anything new to the selected concepts.
Thus, the reader will be able to enjoy a text where they will easily find specialized information that comes exclusively from experts and that has been selected with the greatest effectiveness.