Dr. Theresa C. Mc Loud, MD, is the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) past president, an RSNA gold medalist, and a pioneer in thoracic imaging, Dr. Mc Loud is currently the Program Director of the Massachusetts General Hospital Diagnostic Radiology Residency Program, and a world-renowned medical educator worldwide.
Dr. Mc Loud received her BS degree from Boston College and her MD degree from Mc Gill University. After residency, she completed a thoracic imaging fellowship in radiology at Yale University. She is Associate Radiologist in Chief and Director of Education for the Department of Radiology. She has served as a member of the Board of Trustees of MGH. She has published over 200 scientific papers, reviews and chapters in thoracic imaging and education.
She has received honorary membership in the Chilean Society of Respiratory Diseases, the Italian Society of Radiology in Medicine, the Spanish Society of Radiology, the Australian and New Zealand Society of Radiology, and the European Society of Radiology.
3 Электронные книги Theresa C. McLoud
Gerald F. Abbott & Phillip M. Boiselle: Thoracic Imaging: Case Review Series
Thoracic Imaging: Case Review, by Phillip M. Boiselle, MD, Theresa C. Mc Loud, MD and Gerald F. Abbott, MD, tests your ability to interpret a wide range of images seen in practice. The completely rev …
Marc D Succi & Ravi V Gottumukkala: 2 Minute Medicine’s The Classics in Radiology
From Harvard Medical School & Massachusetts General Hospital resident and Attending radiologists | For general radiologists, residents, and students. Over 100 trials included. A new addition to 2 Min …
Gerald F. Abbott & Jonathan H. Chung: Thoracic Imaging: Case Review Series E-Book
Master the critical imaging content you need to know with this thoroughly updated title in the popular Case Review series. Thoracic Imaging offers a highly illustrated, case-based preparation for boa …