Hegel’s Philosophy of Right presents a collection of new essays by leading international philosophers and Hegel scholars that analyze and explore Hegel’s key contributions in the areas of ethics, politics, and the law.
* The most comprehensive collection on Hegel’s Philosophy of Right available
* Features new essays by leading international Hegel interpreters divided in sections of ethics, politics, and law
* Presents significant new research on Hegel’s Philosophy of Right that will set a new standard for future work on the topic
Notes on Contributors vii
Acknowledgments ix
Introduction 1
Thom Brooks
Part I Ethics 7
1 Consequentialism and Deontology in the Philosophy of Right
Dean Moyar
2 The Empty Formalism Objection Revisited: x135R and Recent
Kantian Responses 43
Fabian Freyenhagen
3 On Hegel’s Critique of Kant’s Ethics: Beyond the Empty
Formalism Objection 73
Robert Stern
Part II Politics 101
4 Hegel and the Unified Theory of Punishment 103
Thom Brooks
5 Hard Work: Hegel and the Meaning of the State in his
Philosophy of Right 124
Kimberly Hutchings
6 Gender, the Family, and the Organic State in Hegel’s Political
Thought 143
Alison Stone
Part III Law 165
7 Natural Law Internalism 167
Thom Brooks
8 Hegel on the Relation between Law and Justice 180
Alan Brudner
Index 209
Об авторе
Thom Brooks is Reader in Political and Legal Philosophy at Newcastle University. He is editor and founder of the Journal of Moral Philosophy. His books include Hegel’s Political Philosophy: A Systematic Reading of the Philosophy of Right (2007).