автор: Thomas Day

Thomas Day (1748-1789) was a British author best known for his children»s literature, which combined enlightenment educational theories with moral storytelling. His seminal work, «The History of Sandford and Merton», was first published in three volumes between 1783 and 1789. The book is often remembered for the edifying tales within, which sought to instill virtuous character in young readers. Day effectively employed the «story-within-a-story» format, utilizing the narrative to explore various philosophical, social, and moral themes. A proponent of Rousseauvian educational principles, evident in the book»s emphasis on natural education, Day presented his protagonists, Tommy Merton and Harry Sandford as foils – the former a child of privilege needing moral refinement, the latter a paragon of innate virtue and simplicity. His literary style was informed by his zealous commitment to social reform, advocating against slavery and for animal rights, long before these positions were widely adopted. While his didactic approach has fallen out of modern pedagogic favor, Day»s «The History of Sandford and Merton» remains a significant work because of its reflection of eighteenth-century educational and social ideals.

11 Электронные книги Thomas Day

Thomas Day: History of Sandford and Merton
pub One.info thank you for your continued support and wish to present you this new edition. Description of Harry Sandford and Tommy Merton — Adventure with the Snake — Harry in Mr Merton’s house — Mr …
Thomas Day: Why Catholics Can’t Sing
In this informative and entertaining critique of music in the Catholic Church, Thomas Day outlines a stinging indictment of the influence of popular culture on American Catholicism, particularly as e …
Thomas Day: The History of Sandford and Merton
Thomas Day’Äôs ‘The History of Sandford and Merton’ is an enlightening tale that intertwines moral instruction and juvenile adventure through the experiences of its two central characters, Harry Sand …
William Shakespeare & Thomas Day: Macbeth (Graphic Novel)
Auf dem Heimweg aus Norwegen, wo sie tapfer gekämpft haben, begegnen die Heerführer Macbeth, Cousin des Königs Duncan, und Banquo auf sturmgepeitschter Heide drei Hexen. Die Frauen verkünden den Waff …
Thomas Day & Bernhard Kainz: Simplifying Medical Ultrasound
This book constitutes the proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Advances in Simplifying Medical Ultra Sound, ASMUS 2023, held in conjunction with MICCAI 2023, the 26th International Confer …
Thomas Day: The History of Sandford and Merton
The History of Sandford and Merton was one of the best-selling children’s books written by Thomas Day. He created it as a contribution to Richard Lovell and Honora Edgeworth’s Harry and Lucy, a colle …
Thomas Day: La Voie du Sabre (Tome 1)
Pour parfaire l»éducation de son fils Mikédi, le chef de guerre Nakamura Ito le confie à un rônin du nom de Miyamoto Musashi. Un samouraï de légende, le plus grand maître de sabre qu»ait connu l»E …
Thomas Day: La Voie du Sabre (Tome 2) — L»homme qui voulait tuer l»Empereur
En refusant de faire don à l»Empereur de sa concubine, la sublime Shirôzaemon Reiko, le seigneur Ichimonji Daigoro a signé l»arrêt de mort de son clan. Unique survivant de la terrible bataille qui …
Thomas Day: La maison aux fenêtres de papier
Nagasaki Oni et Hiroshima Oni, deux chefs de clans yakuzas, deux démons que tout oppose comme les deux faces d»une même pièce, se livrent une lutte fratricide depuis leur naissance en août 1945. Tou …
Aaron Bell & Thomas Day: Paediatric Cardiology
While paediatric cardiology may be a small specialty, it is important to note that congenital heart disease ranks as the most prevalent congenital condition globally. As a result, cardiac problems fo …
Aaron Bell & Thomas Day: Paediatric Cardiology
While paediatric cardiology may be a small specialty, it is important to note that congenital heart disease ranks as the most prevalent congenital condition globally. As a result, cardiac problems fo …