The United States is facing many crises today, the likes of which have not been seen any time in the history of the nation. There are crises in immigration, crime, inflation, fentanyl drug abuse, cancel culture, education, trust in government and media, racial tension, and many others. While our nation has had serious problems in the past, the current crises are exacerbated by the fact that they are all occurring simultaneously. Furthermore, our governmental leaders, at the federal and local levels, are at odds with each other, appear helpless and can’t agree on effective ways to bring valid solutions to these problems. Some meager attempts have been made to address some of the issues causing these problems, but those attempts have been fruitless and ineffective. In the meantime, the problems continue to increase in frequency, severity, and intensity and there appears to be no light at the end of the tunnel. Stated differently, there appears to be no human answer to various current crisis we are experiencing, and they continue to worsen. This means that we must look beyond man to get an understanding of what is happening, why it is happening, and what is the solution.
The reasons for these problems, why man cannot solve them, and the solution to these problems are found in the Bible. First it is important to realize that all nations are created by God, and He has a specific reason for each nation He created. The United States has been blessed with greater wealth, military strength, and economic resources than any nation in the history of the world. Furthermore, the founding documents for our nation were found to have been based on the Holy Bible, further indicating that God had a specific purpose in mind when creating the United States. Our research shows that there are at least two distinct reasons why and how God created the United States which we explain in ample detail. God also provides laws and principles as to how nations should operate and function; and He promises to bring judgment on nations that violate His laws and rebel against Him. When a nation violates these laws and rebel against God, to the extent of the violations and rebellion, the greater the judgment God brings on that nation. From numerous biblical examples, various nations are shown to have rebelled against God. In God’s response we see a pattern emerges that can be summarized as God using a three-step plan in bringing judgment and final destruction on these nations. In this book, we brought out several of these examples as illustrations. When we review the history of the United States, we see that it has rebelled against God for decades. This rebellion came in the form of taking prayer out of the public schools, teaching secular humanism in schools, colleges, and universities, legislating sinful activities, refusing to acknowledge God as Creator and Sovereign Ruler of this nation, and many other ways which are brought out in detail in this writing. Where does the United States stand in God’s 3-step plan of judgment? From our study and analysis, we show how the United States is most likely at the last part of stage two. Based on biblical examples, the final destruction of stage 3 is certain to come unless the United State applies the solution found in the last chapter of this book, entitled, “Is There any Hope for the United States?”.
Об авторе
Tom Logan is the Senior Pastor of Faith Outreach Community Church in Fort Washington, MD. Pastor Tom has diplomas in Christian Apologetics from the International Institute of Christian Apologetics, The RZIM Academy, and Reasons Institute. He is also certified to teach Bible Prophecy by the School of Prophets Institute under Louisiana Baptist University. He has received certifications for Christian Counseling in a variety of areas from the American Association of Christian Counselors. He graduated from South Carolina State College with a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration in 1972 and holds master’s degrees in both Accounting and Taxation from Long Island University. He is also the author of Race, Racism, and Slavery: The Biblical Perspective. Pastor Tom is a retired Senior Internal Revenue Agent in New York City and Washington, D.C., and lives with his wife, Jan, in Temple Hills, Maryland.