автор: Ulrich Vollmer

Buchmann: Professor of Computer Science and Mathematics   special areas number theory, computer algebra, cryptography   associate editor Journal of Cryptology          Leibniz Award of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft   Author of «Introduction to cryptography» UTM, translated into seven languages          Member of Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences          Member of Academy of Sciences and Literature, Mainz Vollmer: Thesis and several articles on algorithms for Class Group and Regulator computation in quadratic fields.

2 Электронные книги Ulrich Vollmer

Johannes Buchmann & Ulrich Vollmer: Binary Quadratic Forms
This book deals with algorithmic problems concerning binary quadratic forms 2 2 f(X, Y)= a X +b XY +c Y with integer coe?cients a, b, c, the mathem- ical theories that permit the solution of these pr …
Sevgi Ağcagül & Henning Sievert: Kitāb-ı Hedāyā
Dieser Band versammelt eine Reihe von Beiträgen aus der Forschung zum Raum zwischen Mitteleuropa und dem Iran von vorosmanischer Zeit bis ins 20. Jahrhundert. Die Autorinnen und Autoren betrachten ei …