Dietmar Ernst is Professor of International Finance at the International School of Finance (ISF) at the Nürtingen-Geislingen University of Applied Science (Germany) and Director of the European Institute of Quantitative Finance (EIQF). His fields of work are corporate finance, risk management, quantitative finance, financial modelling and financial engineering.
Uwe Wehrspohn is a consultant in the field of risk management and computing and Managing Director of Wehrspohn Gmb H & Co. KG (Germany) and Research Fellow at the Risk Management Research Centre at the University of Würzburg (Germany).
2 Электронные книги Uwe Wehrspohn
Uwe Wehrspohn & Dietmar Ernst: When Do I Take Which Distribution?
This book provides the statistical basis for quantitative risk management by presenting and explaining the most important distributions. Distributions describe the occurrence and impact of a risk. Th …
Uwe Wehrspohn & Dietmar Ernst: Verteilungen als Grundlage des quantitativen Risikomanagements
Dieses Buch liefert die statistischen Grundlagen für das quantitative Risikomanagement, indem es die wichtigsten Verteilungen vorstellt und erläutert. Verteilungen beschreiben das Auftreten und die A …