Dr. A.K. SINGH received education at Banaras Hindu University. Currently Dr. A. K. Singh is affiliated to the Department of Geography, Kumaun University Campus, Almora.
Dr. V. K. Kumra received education at Banaras Hindu University and is associated with the Department of Geography, Banaras Hindu University.
Dr. J. Singh received education at Banaras Hindu University and is associated with the Department of Geography, Banaras Hindu University.
3 Электронные книги V. K. Kumra
V. K. Kumra & H. H. Singh: Geography And Environment: Issues and Challenges
The present volume Geography and Environment: Issues and Challenges is a festschrift in honour of Prof. S.L. Kayastha. It contains the contributions from the students, colleagues and admirers of Prof …
V. K. Kumra & J. Singh: Forest Resource, Economy And Environment
Books on Gandhi and Vinoba abound. But hardly any one of them offers a comprehensive discussion of Gandhi and Vinoba. A significant attempt has been made in this book to bring about a comparison betw …
V. K. Kumra & Dr. Prithvish Nag: Frontiers in Environmental Geography
This case book exposes a selection of cases from Indian Public Administration situations for imparting next to life training and learning situations for practitioners. A constraint of the Indian syst …