Vera van Hüllen is Assistant Professor in International Relations at Leuphana Universität Lüneburg, Germany. Her research investigates the role of regional organizations in international democracy promotion and regime dynamics in the Middle East and North Africa, in particular in light of the «Arab Spring». She recently co-edited the collection Governance Transfer by Regional Organizations: Patching Together a Global Script (with T. Börzel, 2015).
2 Электронные книги Vera van Hüllen
Vera van Hüllen: EU Democracy Promotion and the Arab Spring
The author explores the practice and effects of the European Union’s democracy promotion efforts vis-à-vis its authoritarian neighbours in the Middle East and North Africa. She argues that the same s …
Tanja A. Börzel: Governance Transfer by Regional Organizations
This volume explores the conditions under which regional organizations engage in governance transfer in and to areas of limited statehood. The authors argue that a global script of governance transfe …