Practitioners who work with clients at the end of their lives face difficult decisions concerning the client’s self-determination, the kind of death he or she will have, and the prolongation of life. They must also remain sensitive to the beliefs and needs of family members and the legal, ethical, and spiritual ramifications of the client’s death. Featuring twenty-three decision cases based on interviews with professional social workers, this unique volume allows students to wrestle with the often incomplete and conflicting information, ethical issues, and time constraints of actual cases. Instead of offering easy solutions, this book provides detailed accounts that provoke stimulating debates among students, enabling them to confront their own responses, beliefs, and uncertainties to hone their critical thinking and decision making skills for professional practice.
*Please note: Teaching Notes for this volume will be available from Electronic Hallway in Spring 2010.
To access the Teaching Notes, you must first become a member of the Electronic Hallway. The main Electronic Hallway web page is at To join, click Become a Hallway Member in the Get Involved category or point your browser directly to and provide the required information.
After your instructor status has been confirmed, you will receive an e-mail granting access to the Electronic Hallway. Once logged on to Electronic Hallway as a member, click Case Search in the Cases and Resources category on themain web page. Enter ‘death, dying, bereavement’ (without the quotation marks) in the search box, select ‘all of the words’ in the drop down menu, and click Submit. The search process will generate a list of Teaching Notes for cases from Dying, Death, and Bereavement in Social Work Practice: Decision Cases for Advanced Practice.
To Instructors
To Readers
Preface and Acknowledgments
Introduction to the Cases
Case Summaries
1. The Request
2. Respons Abilities
3. Family Matters
4. Drug Interactions
5. Whose Will When?
6. Unusual Appeal
7. The Last Dose
8. No Place for Grief (A)
9. Right Before Their Eyes
10. Private Charity (A)
11. Suicidal Co-ed
12. What Can I Tell? (A)
13. Grief at Work
14. Dying on Time
15. Just Thinking About It
16. A Painful Predicament
17. ‘Til Death Do Us Part?
18. I Want to Talk to Your Supervisor!
19. Drowning Sorrows (A)
20. Seizing Hope (A)
21. Gifts (A)
22. Patty’s Girls
23. I Don’t Want Them Mad at Me (A)
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Об авторе
Terry Wolfer is professor of social work at the University of South Carolina. He is the author of
Decision Cases for Generalist Social Work Practice (Cengage, 2005),
Death, Dying, and Bereavement in Social Work Practice (CUP, 2008), and
Decision Cases for Advanced Social Work Practice (CUP, 2013).