Children, Adolescents, and the Media, Third Edition provides a comprehensive, research-oriented overview of how the media impact the lives of children and adolescents in modern society. The approach is grounded in a developmental perspective, focusing on how young people of different ages and levels of cognitive, emotional, and social development interact with the media. Incorporating the most up-to-date research available, Authors Victor C. Strasburger, Barbara J. Wilson, and Amy B. Jordan target areas most controversial and at the heart of debates about the media and public health—equipping students to approach the media as critical consumers.
Children and Adolescents: Unique Audiences
Prosocial and Educational Media
Media Violence
Sex, Sexuality, and the Media
Drugs and the Media
Obesity, Eating Disorders, and the Media
The Internet — Edward Donnerstein
Social Networking — Megan Moreno
Video Games — Jeanne Brockmyer
Family and Media
Media Literacy — Robert Mc Cannon
Children’s Media Policy
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Amy B. Jordan is director of the Media and the Developing Child sector of the Annenberg Public Policy Center of the University of Pennsylvania, where she oversees research on children′s media policy. Her studies have examined the implementation and public reception of the educational television mandate known as the Three-Hour Rule, the V-Chip legislation, the American Academy of Pediatrics′ media use recommendations and the industry′s efforts to self-regulate food marketing to children. Dr. Jordan has published the findings of her research in dozens of peer-reviewed journal articles and book chapters, and has edited special issues of academic journals, including the Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, and The Bulletin. Dr. Jordan is the recipient of the International Communication Association′s Best Applied/Policy Research Award and the National Communication Association′s Stanley L. Saxon Applied Research Award.