автор: Villeneuve d. Ascq, France) Loscri Valeria (Inria Lille -. Nord Europe


2 Электронные книги Villeneuve d. Ascq, France) Loscri Valeria (Inria Lille -. Nord Europe

Valeria (Inria Lille — Nord Europe, Villeneuve d’Ascq, France) Loscri & Athanasios V. (Lulea University of Technology, Sweden) Vasilakos: Vehicular Social Networks
The book provides a comprehensive guide to vehicular social networks. The book focuses on a new class of mobile ad hoc networks that exploits social aspects applied to vehicular environments. …
Valeria (Inria Lille — Nord Europe, Villeneuve d’Ascq, France) Loscri & Athanasios V. (Lulea University of Technology, Sweden) Vasilakos: Vehicular Social Networks
The book provides a comprehensive guide to vehicular social networks. The book focuses on a new class of mobile ad hoc networks that exploits social aspects applied to vehicular environments. Selecte …