Vince Palamara is the leading civilian literary Secret Service expert. He is the author of Survivor»s Guilt: The Secret Service & The Failure to Protect President Kennedy and JFK: From Parkland to Bethesda — the Ultimate Kennedy Assassination Compendium. Palamara has appeared in over 100 other author»s books, radio, television/DVDs, newspapers, at national conferences, and many online resources.
4 Электронные книги Vincent Palamara
Vincent Palamara: Not-So-Secret Service
While there haven’t been many Secret Service related books about U.S. presidents, the ones still in print (and even those long out of print) are often sanitized memoirs of a politically correct natur …
Vincent Palamara: Who’s Who in the Secret Service
America’s oldest law enforcement agency, the United States Secret Service, has never been exposed like this before. The Secret Service has made many headlines through the decades, especially in the l …
Vincent Palamara: Survivor»s Guilt
Painstakingly researched by an authority on the history of the Secret Service and based on primary, firsthand accounts from more than 80 former agents, White House aides, and family members, this is …
Alan R Warren: JFK Assassination
The House of Mystery Radioshow has been on the air for ten years, broadcasting in over a dozen cities in the U.S. It started as a way to interview guests knowledgeable in many of the world’s mysterie …