WILLIAM J. BRENNER Doctoral Candidate, Department of Political Science, Johns Hopkins University, USA DANIEL DEUDNEY Associate Professor of Political Science, Johns Hopkins University, USA ARTHUR M. ECKSTEIN Professor of History, University of Maryland at College Park, USA VICTORIA TIN-BOR HUI Assistant Professor in Political Science, University of Notre Dame, USA CHARLES JONES Reader in the History of International Studies, University of Cambridge, UK DAVID KANG Associate Professor of Government, and Adjunct Associate Professor and Research Director, Center for International Business, Tuck School of Business, Dartmouth, USA
1 Электронные книги W. Wohlforth
S. Kaufman & R. Little: Balance of Power in World History
The balance of power is one of the most influential ideas in international relations, yet it has never been comprehensively examined in pre-modern or non-European contexts. This book redresses this i …