автор: Wagner Heinz-Theo Wagner

Heinz-Theo Wagner has been working for more than 15 years as a senior consultant and principal on business and IT projects for various companies ranging from banks to manufacturers. He received his Ph.D. for his research on IT business alignment with the E-Finance Lab at Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Frankfurt.

2 Электронные книги Wagner Heinz-Theo Wagner

Heinz-Theo Wagner: A Resource-based perspective on IT Business Alignment and firm performance
Despite a general assumption that Information Technology is necessary for most business processes, the business value of IT is the subject of debate and controversy in theory and practice. Based on t …
Heinz-Theo Wagner: Unternehmensnetzwerke und Innovationserfolg
Innovationsfähigkeit ist in vielen Unternehmen wichtigstes nicht-monetäres Ziel und somit ein entscheidender Wettbewerbsfaktor. Doch was macht Unternehmen innovativ? Das SENECA-Rahmenwerk (Social Ent …