This book collects a selection of papers presented at ELECTRIMACS 2019 — The 13th international conference of the IMACS TC1 Committee, held in Salerno, Italy, on 21st-23rd May 2019. The conference papers deal with modelling, simulation, analysis, control, power management, design optimization, identification and diagnostics in electrical power engineering. The main application fields include electric machines and electromagnetic devices, power electronics, transportation systems, smart grids, electric and hybrid vehicles, renewable energy systems, energy storage, batteries, supercapacitors and fuel cells, wireless power transfer. The contributions included in Volume 2 are particularly focussed on methodological aspects, modelling and applied mathematics in the field of electrical engineering.
Part I: Renewable sources and energy storage.- Data-driven multi-fault diagnosis for H2/O2 & H2/air PEMFCs.- Ripple Correlation Control MPPT scheme applied to a Three-phase Flying Capacitor PV system.- Probabilistic deconvolution of solid oxide fuel cell impedance spectra.- High granularity model of a photovoltaic array considering complex shadow condition.- Static Switch Activation Algorithm for Energy Storage System Grid-Connection and Disconnection.- Optimizing scattering behaviour of encapsulant for maximum PV energy yield.- On-board impedance spectroscopy of Lithium-Ion Batteries in electrical.- An approach to the cell-level diagnosis of malfunctioning events in PV panels from aerial thermal maps.- ECM-based algorithm for on-board PEMFCs diagnosis.- Enhanced Kalman filter-based identification of a fuel cell circuit model in impedance spectroscopy tests.- Simplified Parameters Estimation for the Dual Polarization Model of Lithium-Ion Cell.- Reliability of explicit methods toidentify the parameters of PV panels with degraded series resistance: an experimental comparison.- Part II: Smart grid and energy management.- Paralleling Converters in DC Microgrids with Modified Lag I-V Droop Control and Voltage Restoration.- Power management of a full DC microgrid for building self-consumption applications.- Management strategy of electric vehicle charging stations under power limitation.- Thermal analysis of the power distribution system as part of an underwater compressed air energy storage station.- Automation architecture for Multi-Terminal DC grid.- Matrix approach based on Quadripole for quality analysis in Aircraft Electrical Power Distribution System.- JADE Based Multi-Agent Decentralized Energy Management System of a hybrid Marine-Hydrogen Power Generation System.- Modelling and Simulation of a Bidirectional Si C-based Battery Charger for V2G applications.- Part III: Power converters, electrical machines, devices and materials.- Controllability insurance of the boost converters dedicated to fuel cell management system.- 3-D Generic Magnetic Equivalent Circuit Taking Into Account Skin Effect: Magnetic Field and Eddy-Current Losses.- Mathematical procedure for harmonic elimination in CHB multilevel inverters with variable dc sources.- Air-gap reluctance function for MEC dynamic models of smooth rotor machines.- System-on-a-Chip Including Generic Framework of Motion Controller Using Disturbance Observer Based Acceleration Controller.- Parseval’s Theorem Used for the Inductor Selection in High-Frequency Boost Converters.- Impedance spectroscopy characterization of a graphene based solar cell with improved contacts.- Investigation of electrical properties of graphene-based nanocomposites supported by Tunneling AFM (TUNA).- Weight-function identification for the Preisach model of laminated steels using concentric hysteresis loops.- Enhanced dead-beat predictive control using power harmonic components for DFIG wind system under asymmetrical grid voltage sags.- Study of Magnets and Pole Pieces Openings in Coaxial Magnetic Gearbox by Reluctance Network.- A modified CHB multilevel inverter SHE-PAM technique.- On the Design of the Channel Region in 4H-Si C JBS Diode.- Index.
Об авторе
Walter Zamboni received the Ph D degree in Electrical Engineering from the Università degli studi di Napoli Federico II, Italy, in 2004. From 2016 he is Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering at the Università degli studi di Salerno, Italy, where he served as assistant professor from 2008 to 2016. He is a member of IEEE and IMACS. At present, his main scientific interests include battery modelling and So C–So H estimation, identification and diagnostics of batteries and fuel cells, energy and power management in systems with energy storage. He co-authored more than 80 papers published in international journals and conference proceedings, and one patent.
Giovanni Petrone is Associate Professor of Circuit Theory at the University of Salerno, Italy. His research areas include analysis and design of power electronics and controls for photovoltaic, fuel cell and wind systems, tolerance analysis of electronic circuits, non-linear control techniques, wireless power transfer and identification and diagnosis of renewable sources and storage systems. He is Associate Editor of IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics and of IET Power Electronics. He is member of the editorial board of MPDI Applied Sciences journal. Since 2017, he is a senior member of IEEE. Prof. Petrone is co-author of more than 150 papers published in international journals and conference proceedings. He is also co-author of two books, two IEEE e-Learning library courses and five patents in the field of power electronics for photovoltaic applications.