автор: Werner Sundermann

A graduate of the Hebrew University and the University of Chicago, Yaakov Ariel’s research focuses on messianic, hybrid, or radical movements in contemporary Judaism and Christianity, as well as on Christian-Jewish relations in the Modern Era. He has published numerous articles as well as a number of books on these topics. His book, Evangelizing the Chosen People, won the Outler Prize of the American Society of Church History. His latest book, An Unusual Relationship: Evangelical Christians and Jews, was published by New York University Press in 2013. Ariel teaches at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, where he is currently co-director of the Center for Jewish Studies, and director of the Minor in the Study of Christianity and Culture.

5 Электронные книги Werner Sundermann

Armin Lange & Eric M. Meyers: Light Against Darkness
Light Against Darkness is comprised of articles that put on display the power and pervasiveness of dualistic thought. Dualism has proved a potent cultural tool for clarifying and ordering reality. Pa …
Werner Sundermann: Der Sermon von der Seele
Werner Sundermann: Mitteliranische manichäische Texte kirchengeschichtlichen Inhalts
Keine ausführliche Beschreibung für ‘Mitteliranische manichäische Texte kirchengeschichtlichen Inhalts’ verfügbar. Das E-Book Mitteliranische manichäische Texte kirchengeschichtlichen Inhalts wird an …