Kyle Lewis is an Associate Lecturer in the Health and Social Sciences department at the University of the West of England, and a researcher at the think tank Autonomy.
5 Электронные книги Will Stronge
Will Stronge & Kyle Lewis: Overtime
Overtime is about the politics of time, and specifically the amount of time that we spend labouring within capitalist society. It argues that reactivating the longstanding demand for shorter working …
Will Stronge & Kyle Lewis: Horas extra
El tiempo de trabajo es, y siempre ha sido, un asunto político relacionado con la distribución de la riqueza y del poder. Cuando desnaturalicemos la forma en que trabajamos (un objetivo al que este l …
Will Stronge: Georges Bataille and Contemporary Thought
Georges Bataille»s influence upon 20th-century philosophy is hard to overstate. His writing has transfixed his readers for decades – exerting a powerful influence upon Foucault, Blanchot and Derrida …
Will Stronge: Georges Bataille and Contemporary Thought
Georges Bataille»s influence upon 20th-century philosophy is hard to overstate. His writing has transfixed his readers for decades – exerting a powerful influence upon Foucault, Blanchot and Derrida …