автор: William A. Hopkins Jr.

William A. Hopkins Jr., Pharm D, is president of Clinical Pharmacy Consultants of North Georgia in Big Canoe, Georgia. He is the author of Complete Math Review for the Pharmacy Technician, another title in the APh A Pharmacy Technician Training Series.

2 Электронные книги William A. Hopkins Jr.

William A. Hopkins Jr. & Kristin W. Weitzel: Pharmacy Technician Certification Quick-Study Guide, 4e
The pharmacy technician occupation has changed tremendously since the 3rd edition of this book was released in 2006. In 2012, the blueprint that shapes the Pharmacy Technician Certification Examinati …
Kristin W. Weitzel & William A. Hopkins: Pharmacy Technician Certification Quick-Study Guide, 4e
Pharmacy Technician Certification Quick-Study Guide, 4th edition, has been completely revised, reorganized, and updated to reflect the revised PTCE blueprint. This revised edition covers every subjec …