The brutal wrath of Akhilleus and what follows from it. The Ur-text and the Ur-tragedy of Western literature. Homers ILIAD is both the simplest and also the most complex and beautiful poem ever written about war and about those who engage in it. Wars pity, wars desolation, wars stupidity and (some would say) wars glory. A mirror of human conduct. A necessary primer for statesmen. The cautionary image of what it means to send young people off to war and have them blow each other to pieces. Homers epic newly translated from the Greek.
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William Guy is a Pittsburgh native and a Pittsburgh resident. He is the author of GRAVITY’S REVOLT, a novel; DEFUNCTIVE MUSIC, poems including a translation of BEOWULF; four books on travel: A TRAVELER’S EDUCATION; MAGIC CASEMENTS; SOMETHING SENSATIONAL; and GETTING DOWN AT BHUBANESHWAR. He is, with William Orr, co-author of LIVING HOPE: A STUDY OF THE NEW TESTAMENT THEME OF BIRTH FROM ABOVE. He is currently at work on THE LYNDONIAD, a long poem or a series of interrelated poems on the year 1968.